A downloadable game for Windows

===== SUMMARY =====

You are trying to get to a safe zone, but you'll have to call for help to get there. Navigate your way through the train station while killing enemies. Try to reach the end to call for help and to escape this deadly place.

===== CONTROLS =====

===== MOVEMENT =====
- WASD or Arrow Keys to move around.

===== OTHER =====
-  "E" to interact.
- Escape (ESC.) to go back to main menu.

===== CREDITS =====

===== Fonts =====
- Mont by FontFabric: https://www.dafont.com/mont.font?l[]=10&l[]=1

====== Sound Effects =====
- ButtonSFX by Eric Matyas // site: www.soundimage.org
- ReloadSFX by nioczkus
- GunFireSFX by Gutierrreztom
- EnemyHitSFX by ZapSplat
- AlarmSFX by Mixkit

===== Music =====
- Caves of Dawn by GuilhermeBernardes


Arach(N)oScape.zip 32 MB

Install instructions

1. Download the .zip file called "Arach(N)oScape.zip"
2. Locate the .zip file on your computer
3. Unpack the .zip file to one folder
4. Open the folder and click the file called "Arach(N)oScape.exe" to play

Note: It might say it's not a trusted file. To open the file:  Click "More information" >> "Run anyway"

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